Thursday, November 8, 2012

Should Your MLM Marketing Be On-line or Off the internet?

In regards to MLM marketing in the modern-day era is it advisable to work on line or off the internet? This has become a hotly debated question amongst many in the network marketing industry. Each side presents valid arguments for why their way more suitable than the other. Both can point out success stories that support their claim, while at the same time noting the failures from the opposing point of view. A quick look at both of these marketing philosophies should help bring clarity to the marketing strategy of anybody serious about building their network marketing business.

Offline Multi level marketing has long been the bread and butter of this industry for decades. Many home based business owners have quietly created small fortunes on the back of home meetings, hotel presentations and business lunches with a friend. Business savvy marketers made use of advertising mediums such as drop cards, direct mail, newspaper advertising and radio spots. The success of this belly to belly model can be seen in names like Herbalife, Amway, Avon and Mary Kay.

At the core, the offline philosophy of MLM marketing is a high touch business building strategy. The marketer looks for ways to get in person with their prospects. Merchandise is handled, felt and sampled. Team building is illustrated on dry erase boards and commission checks are passed around the gathering. The invitation to join the business is a personal offer that requires a personal response from the individual. This is a very simple way of doing business that can be taught to anyone, anywhere.

Recently, visionary leaders have introduced multi level marketing business models that transitioned from the offline way of business building to the world of online MLM marketing. The setting for business was no longer the neighbor's living room or a conference room at the local hotel. Instead business would be conducted in the virtual realm on internet pages and via e mail. Just like their offline predecessors, savvy marketers began to master how to move into high volume lead generation using tools such as PPC advertising, article marketing and search engine optimization. The power of this business philosophy also surfaced with companies such as MonaVie, GDI and others leading the way.

In this philosophy of MLM marketing, the focal point is on high volume contacts. Successful marketers use the power of online technology to talk with higher numbers of people in shorter periods of time. The tools of the market place are blogs, videos and web conferencing. A marketer is able to sell, recruit and train around the clock each and every day of the year. The presentation in the world of online MLM marketing is conceptual in nature, lacking the opportunity in most cases for experiential presentation. While this method of marketing lacks the personal touch of offline methodologies, many find it easier to operate as it compensates for introversion and other fears that may make offline presentation much more difficult.

So which MLM marketing philosophy should you adopt? In reality, the answer is both. Both elements are critical to longer term success in your business. Although you may be highly extroverted and feel at home while in front of a group of people, there will be members of your team who are just the opposite. The flip side of the coin is the person who is highly skilled with technology. This individual needs to realize that there will be people in their MLM downline who can barely turn on their computer. Beyond these obvious scenarios are simply the business ramifications of being able to efficiently operate in both environments. A serious business builder will become adept at making an effective presentation whether they are online or on a flight from Chicago to Dallas.

Instead of limiting yourself to one Multi level marketing philosophy, look to expand your abilities in other areas. The more well rounded you become, the more opportunities will present themselves to you.

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