Thursday, November 29, 2012

How Internet Network Marketing Can Help You

Internet network marketing is an effective way to grow your Multi-Level Marketing or MLM business very quickly. Even though old-fashioned MLM works fine for a few, tapping into the world wide web provides tremendous leverage and you can actually generate hundreds to 1000s of leads day after day by using a couple of rather simple techniques. Here are the top 5 ways to grow your network marketing business very fast using paid online advertising. It can be a powerful way of earning money from home. It is not effortless but with the right tactics, anyone can succeed in creating their own home business.

The Internet Network Marketing system will comprise of, website hosting, a domain, Sales Copy, some degree of human interaction and communication, auto responder and training pages a new enrollee can follow to become independent. In the long run, what sets the one success story apart from the other comes down to not a lack of tools, but the one that took action.

Improved Internet network marketing strategies will improve the knowledge of revenue flows and business financial wellbeing. Multi-level marketers who recognize how different sources of revenue impact their business results, make better informed choices when they consult with advisers.

If you are new to "internet network marketing", you will find a great deal of other areas you will be able to market, and as soon as you get a couple of sales under your belt, you may look into Pay-per-Click advertising and targeted advertizing on Facebook - but not yet. You will need to get a system set up and adhere to it. Everyone needs a system, and a strong will to prosper.

The most significant development occuring in the internet network marketing world for 2011 is the fact that more and more people are beginningto recognize how crucial running a blog is. In case you want to be competitive online you will want to blog. Make 2011 a great year and start it off right by blogging.

Be accurate as well as trustworthy in all of your Internet network marketing. Keep in mind your long-term goal is to create certainty as well as great will between the people on your list along with yourself. So, have your themes familiar as well as appealing without using deception or lying.

By following these pointers, you will keep your thoughts concentrated on the big picture, which is to fill the funnel with prospects. This takes the uncertainty out of what to do as a sponsor to help keep people in your team as the Internet Network Marketing system is already doing that for you. Individuals that stay and take action are the ones you want; those who go however, are still friends.

To do internet network marketing successfully It is best to personally create both of these different types of webpages. Your priority however, is absolutely on a squeeze page. By joining an internet network marketing education course, you will begin to see your self-assurance grow. You will instantly become more self-assured in yourself to attempt putting to use all the new multilevel marketing tools that you studied.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MLM Downline Training Tips

It is certainly not a secret that the MLM downline is the true power source of your multi level marketing business. Without using the synergy created by your multilevel marketing group, your business will never go beyond the level of just being a direct sales sole proprietorship. MLM downline training is the key to having a poweful group in your Network marketing business. Your group members need to know the skills, tactics and methods that are going to allow for their success in network marketing. You will find three critical areas that each participant in your downline team ought to be coached in to obtain optimal results.

The primary area of coaching is MLM lead generation. Without effective lead generation methods, your team members will likely find themselves lacking in people to discuss the products or business opportunity of your MLM company with. This instruction should include techniques for both offline and online lead generation. Traditionally we have always asked our team members to develop a list of friends, family members and contacts. This kind of training should take them beyond this basic starting point and into things like blogging, social media and article marketing for network marketing lead generation. This training should really be carried out not simply through lecture, but also hands on experience of utilizing these different marketing tools.

The next section of training for your network marketing downline is presentation skills. This training should include both the presentation of product and the presentation of your network marketing opportunity. This again should focus on several levels of presentation such as face to face, via telephone and over the internet. Added to this overall presentation process are such areas as follow up, appointment setting and asking for the order or enrollment. Again this section of training should include on the job training and not simply lecture.

The last section of training for your MLM downline is replication. This coaching should focus on educating your distributors to coach other people. As you teach a skill or strategy to a distributor, you should then make them accountable for teaching it to someone else. This kind of coaching needs to be almost exlusively done by using practical methodology. Handing a distributor charge for teaching a skill they were shown will not only strengthen that skill, but it will cause them to enhance that ability as well.

If you concentrate on these three issues with each part of your team, you will develop a strong and productive MLM downline. The working knowledge of each participant in the downline will aid in robust duplication in your network marketing business.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Best Resources for Free MLM Advertising

A normal question these days is where a person can use free MLM advertising? The weakness of the global economic situation has brought more and more people into the business of network marketing; however, many of those coming in find themselves currently in a point of financial hardship. Their situation presents the challenge of building a profitable network marketing business without the benefit of using paid methods of network marketing advertising, such as pay-per-click. 

In the past, finding yourself in this situation would leave you with only friends, family and acquaintances to promote your business to. even though this can be a warm market, this tends to be a very limited market. Fortunately in today's world the avenues of onliine promotion are bountiful and offer excellent opportunity. Some of the top producers in the world of online MLM have established their businesses using nothing but free MLM advertising methods and strategies. 

Today I want to give you three exciting forms of no expense advertising that will give you powerful leverage for building a network marketing online business. Just bear in mind that even though you are not investing money, you do need to invest time and work to make these things truly work for you.

The first free tool is an MLM blog. The blog should truly become the nerve center of your online marketing efforts. All other forms of marketing that you make use of ought to point back to your blog. The key to making an MLM blog work is content. That content needs to be both regular and relevant to network marketers. Your blog is the place to present yourself as knowledgeable in your field, by providing content that is both beneficial and applicable. Content ought to be posted regularly, ideally 2-3 times per week, to keep your readers coming back and to help add to your search engine rankings. Each blog post ought to be guided by keywords that you have researched for their search traffic. This research will help you to keep your blog posts relevant to what people are searching for. The more you are able to provide information on the topics being researched the more valuable your blog will become to the reader. 

The second free MLM advertising tool to be utilized is article marketing . Article marketing involves the creation of content that is 300-700 words in length, dealing with a particular relevant topic. Again your research of relevant keywords will guide your articles. For the sake of functioning smarter, it is best to write 2-3 variations of each of your blog posts and use one of those variations for your article submission content. This effectively creates an entirely new piece of content on the same topic. The article is then submitted to article directories, that are used by bloggers and ezine publishers who are looking for new content. The resource box of the article is the place for you to link the article back to the original blog post. This will aid in boosting the search engine ranking of your network marketing blog as it creates backlinks to your original blog post.

The last free source of network marketing advertising is the usage of social media. Social media is the meeting place of the 21st century. via social media, relationships are established and fostered. At the very minimum a network marketer ought to have a Facebook page. start searching for others who share interests in the keywords related to MLM and make friend requests. Simply begin a dialogue with these individuals with a focus on being yourself. This is not a point to push your MLM business or opportunity, but just a spot to nurture relationships. Your profile data ought to point people to your blog to learn more about you. You will also want to post a link to your latest blog posts on your profile wall. 

When this three pronged method is used effectively, these methods of free MLM advertising can generate amazing results. The greatest part is that these methods cost you nothing other than your time and work. The other benefit of each of these methods is the lasting presence of the content you generate. Your articles and blog posts will remain in cyberspace for years to come, directing prospects to you and your MLM business.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Monday, November 26, 2012

MLM Network Marketing is Simple...But Don't Mistake It For Being Easy

MLM Network marketing is simple. unfortunately too many people take this statement and somehow come to the conclusion that network marketing is also easy. Today I want to bring you back to the reality of building a successful MLM Business.

The essentials of the network marketing business are very simple. Developing a network using personal relationships and creating business relationships with those in that network. Sounds simple enough doesn't it? It truly is that simple, but simple does not equal easy.

Relationship building takes time and it takes effort. If you never reach out to interface with someone, you will never develop a relationship with that individual. If your business is formed on relationships (which an MLM network marketing business is), then you need to be consistently reaching out to interface with other people. If you are not connecting with others on a daily basis, you will be unable to create a successful MLM business. To connect with people on a day to day basis, you are going to have to give up time. You may have to give up fear (especially of the telephone). Building relationships takes continual effort on your part.

The marketing component comes from presenting your product or service to those with whom you have built a relationship. This again requires constant effort on your part. The single most challenging issue facing most network marketers is the need to overcome their fears. You must enter into an MLM business with the understanding that you are going to have many who tell you "no." You may receive 100 "no" answers before you get the first "yes." Many network marketers don't take this into consideration. When they get those first "no" answers they lose their passion and start conversing less and less to people about their business. Because of the relatively inexpensive cost of entering an MLM business, many merely choose to walk away at this point instead of pushing ahead (would they walk away so swiftly if they had invested $1 million in a McDonalds franchise). 

while we are drawn to the stories of the man or woman who became a 6 figure income earner in their first 90 days, the truth of the matter is that most successful MLM network marketing businesses were built over a period of years. These successful businesses were built through a combination of sheer determination, hard work and commitment.  Using the correct tools it is possible to work much more efficiently and avoid costly mistakes. Our business is truly simple, but it requires a commitment for the long haul on your part.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Benefits Of Using An MLM Marketing System

You may be wondering if you should make use of an MLM marketing system. Systems are the structures that help us put application to principle. Network marketing is a business built on relationships, but few marketers take the time to cultivate or buy an effective system of MLM marketing for themselves.

There are three primary components to a successful multi level marketing system. The first component is a system for recruiting additional distributors. Recruiting is the lifeblood of your MLM business. Your company cannot thrive unless it is continually growing through solid recruiting efforts. If it takes 100 people in your organization for you to achieve your desired level of income, you have to determine how to recruit those individuals. Your system will answer the question of "how" those 100 people will be recruited.

The next component is a method to train your new business associates. You need a process in place to teach them about your company, products, leadership and team building. Without a sytem in place to do this people will get frustrated and give up, causing your business to eventually suffer and die. A system will guide every new business partner through these areas of foundational experience.

The last component is a technique to reproduce successful business practices throughout your team. How are you going to equip your team to equip others? You need to have a method in place that allows you to duplicate your efforts exponentially. This is primary to reaching the upper stratosphere of MLM success. The organization must continue to grow, so that it does not reach a ceiling. 

It is preferable to use MLM marketing systems that have already been developed and successfully deployed in the field. There is no sense reinventing the wheel when it comes to systems.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Friday, November 23, 2012

How To Locate The Best MLM Leads

A common question in network marketing is: "Where can I find the best MLM leads?" This question is somewhat broad, and so it is best to qualify this question and hopefully give some guidance to those of you who are asking these same types of questions.

To really study this question, we have to first ascertain what qualities define the "best" MLM leads. Those qualities are broken into three categories that, when present, make an person an exceptional network marketing prospect.

The first quality is responsiveness. Does the prospect respond to information and guidance that is provided to them. One of the first indicators of a responsive lead, is a person who will provide you with their contact data in return for training, a report, or other form of incentive. When a prospect shows responsiveness, they are indicating a willingness to move beyond mere tire kicking to an actual test drive of the information you present. In your downline this person will likely demonstrate responsiveness to team initiatives, instruction opportunities or other business building opportunities.

The second quality found in the greatest leads is desire. Does the prospect show desire in their pursuit of network marketing or are they merely entertaining the notion of an MLM business. A prospect who demonstrates desire is much more likely to make a deeper level of overall commitment to their network marketing business and your team. One way to measure desire is because of the appraisal of the marketing entry point through which the lead came into initial contact with you. A prospect who comes through a generic Google search of MLM, network marketing or just a business name demonstrates less desire than a prospect who comes through an article or advertisement dealing with lead generation systems or network marketing education. Desire is the fuel that maintains long term commitment, without desire, your prospect will likely be a brief term team member.

The third quality found in the best MLM leads is follow through. Does the prospect review the information sent to them? Do they attend webinars that they sign up for? Do they return your phone calls? Your training system ought to monitor whether or not a person has utilized the coaching. This can easily be done via link tracking. When a prospect demonstrates follow through, they are putting action to their desire. This shows a willingness to put effort behind their motivations. A lead who demonstrates follow through should in theory demonstrate that same degree of follow through in their network marketing business. These are the people who will call their leads, train their downines and talk product with customers. They are showing by their responsiveness that they are willing to do whatever will make their business successful.

locating the greatest MLM leads starts with you. You need to ascertain the character qualities you are wanting on your team. This will guide you in your MLM marketing efforts, as some marketing resources are more targeted than others.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Are You Betting It All On Product?

betting it all on productAre You Betting It All On Product?

My phone rings the other day and

when I answer it, I am met with the

"How have you done with internet

I told the caller, that I certainly don't
have any complaints and love
what I do.

My caller begins to tell me of his
journey through all types of programs
over the past several years...

...and how his only result has been
one tiny paycheck a few years back.

He then proceeds to tell me that he
has found 2 products that are going
to change all of that...

...and how he wants my opinion

Product Won't Change Your Fortunes

He wasn't ready for my answer,
as it was a shock to his system...

..."Nobody cares about your product!"

My caller became extremely defensive
and begin to tell me all of the wonderful
things about his 2 new found products...

...Ironic isn't it?

A guy who has spent years only to earn
one small check, is arguing with a guy
who earns multiple checks every month
and has for years... I restated my position. Nobody
cares about your product.

The "Real" Product That Every Network Marketer Is Looking For

I went on to explain that network marketers
are not looking for a great product...

...they are looking for great leadership.

I reminded him that there are literally
thousands of other affiliates marketing
the same exact products...

...Which means there will be a ton of
competition for both the recruiting of
team members and the sales of product.

What people are really looking for in a
network marketing business is leadership.

...At the end of the day, prospects are
asking a few basic questions:

Can I make money with this business?
Can this person help me make money with this business?
In reality, the only product that matters
is you! is the value that you offer to your prospects
that makes them choose whether or not to
join your business and buy your products.

People join people...not businesses or products.

Today I challenge you to put some thought
into the value you are offering in the marketplace...

...are you truly setting yourself apart as a leader
or have you simply chosen to join the ranks of
the millions of other product pushers out there
in the marketplace?

If you really want to become the leader that
others are looking for then you need to take
action and increase your value...

I invite you to take a look at the one system
that has produced more leaders in our industry
than any other system...

Leadership Development System

...This is the place where people like Lawrence
Tam, David Wood, Rob Fore, Tracey Walker,
Ray Higdon, Brian Cole and myself developed
our skills and increased our marketplace value.

The late Jim Rohn instructed his students to
work harder on themselves than they do on
their job. Working hard on your job will
earn you a paycheck, working hard on
yourself will earn you a fortune.

So click the link and take action...

I Want To Become A Leader

...the marketplace needs your leadership,
not your newest product.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day
The Easy Way Here!

betting on product

How To Grow A LegalShield Business

LegalShieldHow To Grow a Business with LegalShield

Have you ever known someone that needed a document reviewed and wanted to have an attorney look it over, but didn't because they didn't think they had the money?  Have you ever met anyone that needed to get their will done, but they put it off thinking it would be too expensive to have an attorney draw one up?  Many people ignore their need for an attorney, because they fear the high prices attorneys are known to charge.  Instead they opt for trying to figure it out on their own or they buy software that may or may not be guiding them accurately.

LegalShield offers a business opportunity that allows ordinary people to earn additional income by providing a service that everyone needs.   For a monthly fee, customers of LegalShield have access to attorneys for a variety of legal services.  Prospects are educated on the opportunity and introduced to the membership.  LegalShield is the recently rebranded name of PrePaid Legal, a company that has been around for 40 years.   The main question that any new representative will have is:  "How do I grow my business?"

    1. Know your product line.  It is critical that you become a student of  LegalShield.   Learn the products, services, compensation plan and any other aspects of the business.   You will become more valuable to your clients and team members when you take the time to become more knowledgeable about your business.

    2. Share the opportunity with large numbers of people!  This is best accomplished through the use of an online marketing system.  My Lead System Pro is the premiere training program that will teach you the principles of branding yourself online. With My Lead System Pro, you will learn the strategies of internet marketing that will allow you to generate an infinite amount of leads for your business. My Lead System Pro will teach you how to create a sales funnel to your LegalShield business, that you even allows you to profit from those who say no to your business, plus you will create additional profits from those who do join your team!

  1. Find a mentor.  Your sponsor will be the first place to look; however, your mentor can be someone else.  Find someone who has achieved the level of success you desire, and speaks your language.   A good mentor will help you negotiate the challenges you face in your business.  Be the best student that you can be!  Shadow your mentor on appointments and calls.  Take note of the things you’d like to implement in your own business.  Remember at the end of the day, you are responsible for your success NOT your mentor.

  2. Utilize a follow-up system.  Follow up is the place where most people lose business.  Even though you use the power of the internet to generate leads, you still need to call those leads.  Even though you may establish your relationship on the internet, do not leave it there.  If the lead voluntarily provides their phone number, CALL THEM!  Make it your practice to call all leads within 24 hours of generating the lead.

  3. Duplicate your LegalShield team.  Build your team using methods that are easily duplicated.  Offer strategies that are easy to duplicate both online and offline, so your team can easily reproduce in either environment.  If you regularly talk to 50 people per day, that’s great;  however, that might not be something everyone in your team can duplicate.   On the other hand a strategy for generating 5 new contacts per day should be easy to duplicate for everyone.

If you are looking to connect with someone who can help you grow your LegalShield business, and guide you to success connect with me.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day
The Easy Way Here!

LegalShield review

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Are You Taking Responsibility For Your Network Marketing Business?

I continuously get phone calls concerning my network marketing business from potential prospects. Even while getting those calls is a good thing, I am also noticing a disconcerting pattern in those calls. Many of these callers wish to know what I am planning to do to grow Their own network marketing business. The more they talk, the more apparent it becomes that they are looking for me to do the work for them.?

Regular Misconceptions About A Network Marketing Business?

In actuality, these callers are not totally at fault. Much of their misguided thinking was placed there by misguided network marketers. Nowadays it is common to see sponsoring promotions that make pledges of "no products to sell" or "no recruiting." Besides those assurances, there also exist others who spend way too long highlighting things like spillover. Eventually, prospects are left with a deficient view of what our business really looks like.

A multilevel marketing business is a direct selling business. The model has been and will continue to be based on the direct sales of goods and services via personal relationship networks. Compensation will always be attached to the sales volume of a distributor and their team. The larger that team grows, the bigger the sales volume should logically be. It is the synergy of the team that generates the residual paychecks that each multilevel marketing business owner wants to generate. Certainly with the network marketing compensation plans available today, there are chances to benefit from things like spillover; however, a distributor should not be depending on spillover to build their business. If they get is simply icing on the cake.

Your Network Marketing Business Is YOUR Business

When it comes right down to it, there is only one person responsible for the failure or success of your multilevel marketing business. This individual is you! The decisions you make will affect the final outcomes in your business. It is just amazing the number of people who are not making any money in their business, simply because they are hesitant to roll up their sleeves and get to work. If a distributor will agree to offering their business, products and opportunity to no less than 5 people each and every day, they will see results. If they bump the number of conversations everyday, their results are only going to rise. Our business rewards those that take initiative.

In the event you are struggling in your network marketing business, it is time to go stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye and ask the hard questions.

How many people did you talk to about your business the day prior to this?

How many people did you talk to about your business a week ago?

What have you undertaken to raise those numbers?

Have you got regular time set aside for prospecting actions? (80% of your business building time ought to be applied in this direction)

Have you requested help in changing the outcomes to the above questions?

Have you followed through on the suggestions you have been given?

The majority of people already know the steps they ought to take to change the results in their business. Regrettably most will never take those steps because they are trying to find a better way. The reason a multilevel marketing business has such high income ?potential? is because it is hard work. Those who stick with it and do the hard work day after day for a small amount of time, will see ongoing rewards for a long time to come.

Before you decide to look for a new network marketing business, resolve deep inside yourself to do everything required to make it work. At the end of the day, you are ultimately accountable for the outcomes.

Click here to learn more.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Using QR Codes To Market Your MLM Business

What do you mean, you aren't making use of QR Codes in promoting your MLM business? That question has likely prompted many of you to scratch your heads and given you the promptoing to hurry over to Google to search out out the term "QR Codes". I will save you the journey and possibly even answer your questions. These kind of codes run on a comparable principle to a bar code; however, they are able to be scanned by the latest collection of wireless phones. Any individual using an iPhone or Android smartphone can make use of a QR Code reader application to quickly get information without having to enter data.

The aim of Using QR Codes To Market Your MLM Business

Using these codes is a good way to bring a web based aspect into your offline marketing efforts. Ideally you will use the QR code to either load your contact information onto the users wireless device, or you will use the code to direct them to a presentation landing page for your MLM business.

When your MLM business marketing has this sort of marketing tool, you are conveying a message to your prospects. Your knowledge of such a new technology, suggests that you stay on the forefront of consumer and technological trends. The end result is the impression that you are a leader capable of teaching others how to use these kinds of technologies to grow their network marketing business.

How To Use QR Codes To Market Your MLM Business

It is important to recognize that this is a technology that is best incorporated offline. The reason for this is simple. If a person is online already, they will click on a link to the webpage or information they are attempting to locate.

One of the better places that QR Codes could well be utilized in marketing your MLM business is through the placement of a code on your business card. This could be used to either direct your prospect to your website or to place your contact information into their wireless device. Other areas to use this type of marketing tool is on tear off sheets and fliers at local coffee shops, or other similar places where people interact. This way of marketing could be deployed with almost any form of print marketing that you are doing to grow your business.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Monday, November 19, 2012

How To Start Marketing Your MLM Business Online

Promoting an MLM business online makes perfect sense in todays technology driven world. The ability to network with with literally millions of people world wide opens up business building possibilities that not so long ago would have been hard to imagine. With so many avenues of marketing and promotion available via the internet, where does one actually need to start. 

In drawing from my own experiences of working with network marketers, I want to give you some practical tips to help you leverage the power of the internet, while at the same time minimizing your level of frustration. 

We all know of people who have created an incredibly profitable MLM business online. These individuals are paraded in front of us on nearly every conference call, webinar or live event we attend. They are stories of people who not only made it, but they made it in an incredibly short period of time. With these stories whirling through their mind, their company replicated website and head full of dreams they set out to conquer the online frontier.

Sadly many of these individuals are diving into the deep end of the pool, before they have even learned to swim. I get people who sign up for my list on a regular basis to learn advanced techniques of internet marketing, even though their skills end at turning on the computer and checking their email. I recently spent 20 minutes trying to help a man navigate his way to a website. He couldn't figure out how to utilize the address bar on his internet browser. He was frustrated. I was frustrated. Regrettably he has hung all of his hopes on internet marketing.

This brings up my first segment of advice for marketing your MLM business online. You need to have a working knowledge of the essentials. At a minimum a person had best know how to send and receive email. In addition they need to know how to both send and get attachments, plus they need to know how to find them once they have been downloaded. I can't tell you how many times I have sent a document, logo or some other crucial file to someone I am working with and they call me to tell me they have received it, but they can't find where they put it. 

Network marketing is a relationship based and formed business. Any person seeking to develop their MLM business online, needs to have some basic relationship building skills offline first. If you are unable to build relationships offline, that will simply carry over into the online world as well. I meet too many people that never talk to another invidivual about their company either offline or online. The same patterns and habits that are making them ineffective offline are simply reinforced online. Before you ever think of how you can use social media, you need to get comfortable with simply being "social." Again your offline patterns and habits are going to carry over into your online activities. Bad habits breed more bad habits.

Once you have a fundamental working knowledge of the internet, start building your MLM business online by learning about the major systems of online marketing. You don't need to know how to use them, but you do need to understand what they are and at least have a general idea of how they work. Once you have this basic working knowledge of the major systems, tools and strategies, you can start looking at which online marketing strategies are best suited to your skill sets and personality. Assess how much training you are going to need to learn and get comfortable with that particular method of online marketing. Before you go off and purchase an armload of training materials, try to figure some of these things out with free avenues. Article directories, blogs and Youtube videos can teach you a great number of online marketing skills without the need for you to spend excessive amounts of money. Even if you don't have the skill set entirely mastered, don't delay in implementing it. You need to take action every step of the way, the process of refining your technique will be valuable in your personal growth and the value you offer to others.

Finally find a coach or mentor that speaks your language. It is best that you find someone who is also in the trenches building their MLM business online. You can learn alot from their victories and defeats. Try to figure as much out as you can on your own, but when you get stuck utilize this individual as a resource. As you start building your team, you will want to work the same way with those you are leading. Continue working on one or two skills at the most at any given time. Once you have mastered that skill then move on to the next skill and begin learning it. At the same time, give back by teaching others the skills you have just learned.

Building your MLM business online is a natural progression in your business building efforts, but make sure you approach it in a way that fosters your long term success.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Understanding The Importance of MLM Retail Sales

Retail MLM sales are one of the most important pieces to examine when looking at any network marketing business. If there is not a retail component to the business, you must truly begin to question the true objective. Many network marketing companies come under deep suspicion, because they seem to lack any true retail structure. When money is only made by the recruiting of others, who pay a fee to join, the line between business and pyramid scheme gets very blurry and very thin.

Another important consideration of the MLM retail pictures is the existence of a market, outside of the company distributors, for their products and services. In fact, just this past week I was evaluating a company for possible addition to my business portfolio. Many of the rising stars in the network marketing world have joined this company, brining a lot of publicity and attention with them. When I could not see a market for their product outside of their distributors who were fulfilling their autoship requirements, I decided not add this company to my business. Since their product could be obtained at a cost savings through other channels, their business became much less attractive.

I am very particular about the presence of a strong retail operation in all of my businesses. Companies that have great brand recognition and customer loyalty outside of their distributor network are the businesses that I prefer to represent. In my own business the vast majority of my product sales come from outside of my network marketing team. Because of the traditional retail model used by these companies, I have been able to establish a profitable retail operation.

When you examine the companies with longevity in this industry, you find names like Fuller Brush, Avon, Mary Kay, Forever Living, Amsoil, Tupperware and Shaklee. These business were built on a strong direct sales program, that maximizes the leverage of the network marketing model. These companies do not make headlines for being investigated for questionable business practices and because of this, their names are trusted in the retail market place.

I want to encourage you to use common sense and the mind God gave you when you are evaluating network marketing opportunities. Carefully examine the "true" business of the company. You may want to step back if the only money being made is through recruting bonuses and initial distributor kits. Although there is money to be made in those types of arrangements, they also tend to be short lived.

A company that uses retail MLM sales may not be very sexy, but it is much more likely to endure for the long term.

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Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Review of International Silver Network

International Silver Network, or ISN as they are otherwise recognized is the most recent business to enter the gold and silver multi-level marketing arena. ISN launched on January 1st, 2011, placing themselves between the top level numismatic coin companies and those companies offering silver bullion. The chief rivals for ISN are Preservation of Wealth and Numis Network.

International Silver Network has decided to concentrate on the promotion of MS 69 American Silver Eagle coins. ISN has done this for a few stated reasons. First off, ISN believes that an MS 69 coin provides shelter from possible government seizures of precious metals, since they are regarded as a collectors item. Secondarily, the price of an MS 69 is much closer to that of silver bullion, consequently it is considered by ISN to be a great deal more attractive to bullion investors.

ISN offers 3 levels of enrollment. The first level is a Preferred Customer level. This level is designed for those who prefer to accumulate coins on a recurring basis, but are not interested in a home business opportunity. Preferred Customers get an automatic shipment of one MS 69 graded coin every month at 10% off of the current retail price. The second enrollment level is the Direct Sales Rep level. At this level, the individual pays a low monthly fee for the back office and marketing tools, but they do not get any monthly shipments of silver. Direct Sales Reps receive commissions on all tier 1 and tier 2 sales. The third enrollment level offered by International Silver Network is the Collector Rep level. Collector Reps receive a monthly coin shipment in addition to access to the back office and all of the business building tools made available by ISN. A Collector Rep is eligible to earn compensation up to eight levels deep with unlimited width. They are also eligible to earn from the global bonus pools made available by the company.

The pay plan offered by International Silver Network has four primary elements. The first element is the Unilevel Commission. The Unilevel Commission pays 5% on all commissionable team volume up to eight levels deep on all qualifying tiers. The next element of the compensation plan is Rolling Compensation Bonus. This bonus is paid on the tier of the organization having the most commissionable sales for the month. The third element of the ISN pay program is the Global Pool. A Collector Rep is eligible for this pool once they have personally enrolled 4 extra Collector Reps. The last component of the pay program is retail profit. This is just the difference between the Collector Rep cost and the retail sales price of a particular coin. Other bonuses will be granted from time to time based on the productivity of a Collector Rep and their business team.

As with any of the gold and silver coin multi level marketing companies, it is critical that a prospective ISN rep understand the fundamentals of building a fruitful network marketing business. Although gold and silver are in high demand, a prospective rep will need to position their business in such a way that they are able to effectively link with other prospective reps. The market for an International Silver Network business will primarily be with other network marketers and those who are buying limited amounts of metals.

**International Silver Network has recently revamped their business model.  You can read about it here.

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Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What To Look For In New MLM Companies

These days there is a lot of pre-launch hooplah that seems to surround many new MLM companies. With dozens of additional companies coming to market each year, it is essential to spend the time examining those companies, just as you would study a company that has been in existence for a number of years. With careful evaluation you will be able to separate the future superstars from the cautionary tales of tomorrow.

Start by looking at the founder of the company. Do they have a track record in this particular product niche and in the multi level marketing industry? Many of those starting new MLM companies have previously been associated with other network marketing opportunities in the past. It would be prudent to research their past business dealings. Was their previous company successful? Is the previous company still in business? If the prior company is no longer in business, you need to research the reasons behind their demise. Repackaging poor management will still produce poor management. In addition to the company founder, examine the other key leaders in the business to determine their level of experience with the product niche and the MLM industry as a whole.

Next take a look at the product offering. Does this product make sense in the market place at this particular time. For instance the marketplace is filled with Acai berry health juices, does the market really need another one? If the product makes sense in the market, does it make sense for you? Is it a good value or is it something that could be obtained at a better price somewhere else? Can you envision yourself and others in your sphere of influence utilizing the product or product line on a regular basis? Without an unique angle, another look alike product in a marketplace full of similar products will be a difficult proposition. Look for the one thing that sets this company and their products apart from the competition. You will also want to analyze the autoship program to determine if it makes sense for the average consumer.

Take a look at the pay plan. Does this plan make sense to you, and could easily be explained to someone else? What type of MLM compensation plan does this company use? Are there restrictions on the number of downline levels from which you can draw income? How easy is it for you to move through the compensation levels of the plan? Compare the plan of the new company to the plans of other existing MLM companies who are using a similar compensation plan.

Finally examine your gut feelings. Although a "ground floor" opportunity has the potential to be profitable, there are also many of those opportunities that never quite make it off the ground. If you have any sense of concern, it is best to steer clear of the opportunity, until it has had time to prove itself in the marketplace.

When it comes to evaluating new MLM companies, don't leave your common sense at the door.

Click here to learn the skills for building any MLM company online.

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Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Internet MLM Marketing - The Emerging Trend

Internet MLM marketing brings together two unique marketing disciplines that, when harnessed together, create a dynamic business opportunity. These two strategies are multi level marketing and online marketing. People have been building profitable home businesses for years using network marketing. In the past 15 years a whole new field of marketing emerged with the expansion of the internet. Companies like Google, Ebay and Amazon introduced the world to the concept of online marketing. 

Multi Level Marketing, or MLM as it is commonly referred to, is a business model built around networks of personal relationships. Historically, the idea of MLM has been the distribution of products and services via direct sales to a personal network of friends, family and acquaintances. From there sales were made to the friends of those friends and to their extended networks of friends. This was most often attained through small group meetings and one on one interactions.

Internet marketing on the other hand is a mass marketing concept and less relational by nature. A savvy online marketer can get their message, product or service in front of a wide audience in a very short time. Furthermore an internet marketer is free from the cost of maintaining a brick and mortar store front and has very minimal overhead costs. When done successfully, online marketing can produce massive results in a greatly reduced time frame.

The most common problem when joining these two marketing disciplines together is the lack of cross training in the required skills needed to make such a marriage work effectively. For example in traditional network marketing the emphasis is on promotion of the product and business opportunity, since it assumes an existing relationship. In online marketing the emphasis is on personal branding, because of the lack of relationship. An online marketer needs to introduce themself to the prospect and create a reason for further dialogue. Because online marketing is a high volume approach, the internet marketer must learn to nurture relationships and trust using mass communication strategies as opposed to individualized contact. Simply having a company replicated website and promoting the link to that website is not sufficient to fully exploit the possibilities of online MLM marketing.

For a network marketer to successfully migrate their business online, they must become well versed in the systems and methods that are most effective in the online market place. This includes a working knowledge of the tools of the trade such as domains, hosting, lead capture forms and email autoresponders. The marketer also needs familiarity with the various avenues of marketing online. This would include such things as pay per click advertising, social media, blogging, article marketing, video marketing and ezines to name a few. In time the MLM marketer will determine which methods are the most appropriate for their marketing efforts; however, the tools and fundamentals of internet marketing remain very constant. 

The best solution for any person considering internet MLM marketing is to work with a good coach or mentor who is knowledgeable in the basics of online marketing.

Click here to learn more.

If you enjoyed this post please ‘like & share’ this page.

Carl Willis
skype: carlso20

Click Here to work with me personally!

PS: Earn $500 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Building Your MLM Business Online Through Facebook

For people who are wanting to expand their MLM business online, Facebook is a natural selection. A social platform like Facebook makes complete sense when you consider that multi level marketing is built around the concept of relationship networks. To effectively utilize Facebook there are some fundamental strategies that you can deploy.

The first and most obvious approach is to seek out friends who have interests in common with you. Facebook permits you to search for people based on demographics, geographic locations, schools and interests. For network marketing purposes, you may want to seek out people who have the words "home business" in their profiles. When you find people who list "home business" in their profile information, a connection request is sent to them. In the connection request allude to interests you have in common. To make your request more personable, refer to something of interest that was contained in their profile. For example you might comment on their profile picture. Taking this simple step indicates that your interest is in getting to know them as an individual. Be alert that Facebook does monitor how quickly you are sending friend requests and the overall number of new friend requests sent. Facebook generally allows 20-30 requests per day, but those requests should be spread out throughout the day. As a courtesy they send a warning message if they believe your friend request activity is too aggressive.

The next method is the formation of a group. A group is built around topics of interest, places, companies, or other points of commonality. Once your group is formed, you can post content, host events and lead discussions that are of interest to the members of the group. Locating group members works much the same way as your friend requests do. The easiest place to start building your group is with your existing friends. Send each of your contacts a request to check out the group. You can also include group information in your new friend requests as well. One of the greatest tools of a group is the ability to blast messages and events to your group members.

Another useful strategy is the utilization of a fan page. By using a fan page, you can separate your personal and business pursuits on Facebook. A fan page is meant to be commercial in nature and these pages are being used more and more by large companies and celebrities. People join your fan page through the use of a "like" button. When somebody likes your fan page they are now listed as a fan. When you post new content on your fan page, that content is also posted to the wall of each of your fans. Additionally, fan pages can be customized with backgrounds and lead capture forms. These modifications make them highly valuable for network marketing sales and recruiting efforts.

The final strategy is the use of Facebook pay per click advertising. Facebook's ppc works very similar to other online ppc programs in the use of keywords, bids and targeting. The unique difference is the capability to target networks of individuals based on their social relationships on the site. This form of targeting gives added leverage to the marketing effort. When using Facebook ppc, the most effective (and cost effective) usage of the platform is to direct your ppc campaign to your fan page. This keeps everything contained within the social networking aspect of the system instead of sending your prospect to an external website.

If you have not already implemented Facebook for your network marketing business, you are missing a world of possibility for your business.

Click here for free Facebook marketing training.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fuller Brush Review

The Fuller Brush Company is one of the legends in the direct selling industry having been a part of the American business landscape for over 100 years. The company was founded in 1906 by Alfred C. Fuller, a 21 year old entrepreneur from Nova Scotia. Fuller began by creating custom made brushes of all shapes and sizes, which he built on a workbench in his sister's home and sold from a suitcase door to door. Over the years, the company became a fixture in the American cultural landscape, even spawning a song about the Fuller Brush Man.

Through the years, the company has seen significant growth and now headquarters out of a modern production and shipping facility in Great Bend, Kansas. The Fuller Brush name is still easily recognized by consumers everywhere and a new generation has been introduced to the company through a regular household cleaning segment featured on one of the major home shopping networks.

The Fuller Brush product line consists of over 2,000 unique items withe primary focus being on household cleaning and personal care. The company has worked vigorously to create a cleaning solution for every room in the house. This includes specialty cleaners, brushes, brooms and mops for every imaginable use. The product line is bolstered by the inclusion of the product line from Stanley Home Products, a subsidiary of the company.

The business model adopted by Fuller Brush is a classic direct selling model. Distributors receive a base discount rate of 20% that they are charged for product, as their product sales increase the discount also increases. Once the distributor sells their product at retail price they get the difference between their current rate of discount and the sales price as profit. As the distributor adds members to their team, the sales volume of their group pushes the rate of discount even higher, with the highest levels of discount being 55%. A distributor also receives the difference between their level of discount and the level of discount obtained by a producer in their MLM downline. Fuller distributors are also enrolled as Stanley Home Products distributors, allowing them to pull sales volume from both product lines. Sales can be made via personal presentation, company replicated web site or catalog purchase.

The company utilizes a stairstep compensation model for their distributors. Distributors move through 3 tiers of activity in the Fuller Brush System, beginning at the Sales Associate level, progressing to the Manager level and finishing at the Director level. Each advancement in level has a sales volume qualification attached to it. This sales volume can be self-generated personal volume (PV) or it can be group generated volume (GV) based on the combined efforts of the distributor and their sales team. In addition to the retail profits, you will find other bonuses and incentives awarded for production volume.

For a potential distributor considering The Fuller Brush Company, there are several distinct advantages that may be very appealing. The longevity of the company and the familiarity with the company name are certainly two of the most apparent advantages. The company and product line up take little explanation as there is already a high degree of brand awareness. Other advantages are the relative low cost of products, startup and business building tools. Additionally the opportunity to represent the Stanley Home Products line is an added positive feature.

A potential distributor should also consider some of the challenges in this type of business. Those would include the need for a substantial amount of sales volume required for a Fuller Brush distributor to create a high level of income. The need to build a deep organization or to develop a high volume customer base would be crucial to achieve and keep a consistent degree of sales volume.

As with every business opportunity, anyone looking to build a profitable Fuller Brush business needs to learn the basic principles of building a successful home based business. This would include such things as personal branding, lead generation, follow up and team replication.