Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Silver Network Marketing Company Is An Excellent Move For Motivated Network Marketers

Silver MLM companies have been gaining momentum in the mlm field over the last eighteen months. Although this is not a a brand new concept; however, the recent attention to this market segment, has led many to consider whether or not this is a suitable business for them to participate in.

The renewed interest in gold and silver MLM opportunities is fueled in great part by the growing economic uncertainty that is being felt not just in the United States, but worldwide. In the United States unemployment has remained high, consumer prices have skyrocketed and the housing market has collapsed with a resounding thud. To help combat these conditions the Federal Reserve has saturated the marketplace with new currency, creating never before seen levels of debt. The outcome of these actions is a devaluation of the U.S. dollar and increased concern about its viability for the future.

Failed currencies are not a new fear, but have been seen throughout recorded history. At the same time, history has proven that gold and silver are highly sought after commodities during these times. In reality, gold and silver are the true money that has fueled commerce throughout the ages. The necessity to own precious metals has never been more clear than it is now. It is from this necessity that the silver MLM concept has been able to gain great momentum.

When looking at precious metals many would at first look presume that the greater prospects would lie with gold, since it has a higher market price. Actually, silver has greater demand for a few key reasons. First of all silver has many commercial uses, especially for electronics market applications. Secondarily, because of the lower market price, silver offers greater versatility in its use as a monetary instrument. Third and actually most critical is the fact that there is less above ground mined reserves than with any other precious metal. Simply put there is less usable silver available to the market place.

Now taking this one step further is the realization that much of the "owned" silver is owned on paper by using options and other financial instruments. It means that for every ounce of physical silver available in reserve, it has been leveraged multiple times over. Some reports put this leveraging ratio as high as 100:1. Which means for every ounce of physical silver, 100 ounces are "owned" on paper. This becomes a problem when the owners of these paper instruments attempt to cash in for physical silver. For the owners of physical silver, this creates an environment for their holdings to be highly sought after. This is where the real opportunity of a silver coins mlm company begins to take shape.

Silver MLM companies create two key opportunities for any serious network marketer. The 1st of these opportunities is simply the opportunity to buy precious metals on an ongoing basis as a hedge to inflationary pressure brought on by the devaluation of currency. This is a approach that is being encouraged and utilized by financial experts worldwide.

Secondarily is the ability to build a business with a product that is being highly sought after in the marketplace. People are already aware that the accumulation of precious metals is a practical strategy in light of the today's uncertain economic climate. Building a silver MLM business answers consumer demand for these types of assets. Unlike other mlm opportunities there is little need to convince people that they need the product, nor is there a need to have to prove why your product is better than another similar product in the marketplace. The only convincing that needs to be done is that your business can put silver into the hands of your customers on a consistent basis at a reasonable price. This will not only add to your customer base, but to your downline as well.

These are a few key reasons any serious network marketer should really be looking hard at the addition of a gold and silver MLM company to their business lineup.
gold and silver mlm

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